Stephansdom II
Weihburggasse 22
1010 Wien
Exact Location: Weihburggasse 22
Tel: +4369917000333
Keybox Code: 1505
You can close the box by changing numbers.
When you arrive at our place Weihburggasse 22,
go through the glass door on the left side and take the elevator
to the second floor.
The black key is for all the doors in the yard.
The chip-key is for the flat.
Your flat is at the second floor, on the right side number 5A.
WiFi SSID: Archinoa-Air
Password: aquawind466
If you go downstairs to the yard, there is on the left side a big white door for the trash.
Please put the key back to the keybox on the street when you leave! You can close the box by changing numbers.
I will be online to answer any of your questions.
I wish you a pleasant flight and a good stay in Vienna.
Regards Johann